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In our travels throughout South Africa, and especially to the remote parts of the country, we are often confronted by questions from very ordinary people, somewhat traditional in their Christian faith, who are seeking more in their Christian devotion. One of the most prevalent questions is about the Holy Spirit.

There is an obvious lack of knowledge about this all important third Person of the triune Godhead. People are frightened by stories of overboard “church” groups. Devout traditional Christians do not want to be caught in strange, possibly devilish deceptions. Thus, they generally resist any possible exposure.

However, somewhere deep within them there is a careful longing for a spiritual reality beyond themselves and their present religious experience. I pray that this series of books will open the door to the fulfilment of that longing. My heart’s desire is that you will meet this Wonderful, Gentle, Loving, yet intensely Hallowed, HOLY Spirit; and that meeting Him will change and transform your life forever.

Book 1, Gateway to the Kingdom, is written in two parts. Part 1 lays a foundation to understanding important aspects of the function of the Holy Spirit within the Kingdom of God; and Part 2 shares a personal testimony of how the author’s life was dramatically changed when he discovered these secrets of the Word and started to apply them to his own life.

printed - Book 1 - HOLY SPIRIT - Gateway to the kingdom

  • Parcel of 1 - 12 books (2kg) = R60  (+/- R5 per book)

    Parcel of 13 - 30 books (5kg) = R80 (+/- R3,00 per book) 

    Parcel of 31 - 80 books (10kg) = R120 (+/- R1,50 per book)

    Parcel of 81 - 120 books (15kg) =  R180 (+/- R1,50 per book) 

    Parcel of more than 120 books (20kg) = R240 (+/-  R1,50 per book)

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