Sometimes bad things happen to good people. We live in a world where we are exposed to the effects of sin, evil influences, pain and unfairness. This story is a testimony of God’s grace and healing in the midst of what was possibly the scariest time of the author’s life, and that of her two sons.
It is the story of a seemingly normal family living a contented life, until a series of events happened that changed it all. The horrific presence of paedophilia was exposed in the author’s home and threatened to tear her ordinary little world apart. Her youngest son had been the victim of sexual abuse by his dad. Nothing could have prepared them for this, and nothing was ever the same again, except for God Eternal, the unchanging One.
The author had to choose between protecting her husband or protecting her sons. This, however, wasn’t going to be a simple process of justice, as the enemy of our souls is the master liar. This was the beginning of the worst time of this family’s life, but also a time where they experienced the most precious encounters with God, the Father.
The focus of this book is not on the works of the enemy, because God is greater, He is faithful and He promises: “All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)
The primary goal of this book is to bring glory to God; secondly, it is to offer encouragement and hope to every reader who has been, or is currently experiencing trauma; it is to bring awareness, and thereby hopefully prevent something bad from happening to another child.
Grace is not for those who deserve it, and forgiveness cannot be earned. God offers it freely to those who want it.
Against all odds, God took someone’s painful brokenness and transformed it into something beautiful.
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