zimtosaMay 5, 2022FAITH AND HOPEHope is anchored to a promise. One does not hope for something that you already have; you hope for something for which you have a promise...
zimtosaMay 5, 2022GELOOF EN HOOPHoop is aan ‘n belofte geanker. Jy hoop nie op iets wat jy alreeds het nie; jy hoop op iets waarvoor jy ‘n belofte vir die toekoms het....
zimtosaMay 4, 2022DIE VIERDE MANWie was hierdie vierde Man wat sulke mag oor die vlamme uitgeoefen het?
zimtosaApr 29, 2022THE FOURTH MANIn Daniel Chapter 3, we read that Nebuchadnezzar threw three men into a super-heated furnace. But to his surprise they did not die....
zimtosaApr 28, 2022DIE SOUT VAN DIE AARDEJesus het vir ons die opdrag gee om die sout van die aarde te wees (Matthéüs 5:13). Wat is dit diep binne ‘n mens wat jou positief hou...
zimtosaApr 28, 2022SALT OF THE EARTHJesus instructed us to be the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13). What is it deep within a person’s being that keeps him positive while all...